In PPRA Notifications

The EAAB reminds professional estate agents, excluding only current intern estate agents, that they must register for participation in the 2019 CPD programme by no later than 31 March 2019. This is particularly relevant for those former intern estate agents who obtained full status as estate agents during the course of 2018.

For this purpose estate agents should access the “MyCPD” portal on the EAAB website (at The first step in the CPD registration process is to complete a Personal Development Plan (“PDP”) for the 2019 year.  Once the PDP is completed to the satisfaction of the participant it must be sent to the EAAB by pressing the “submit” button.  

On receipt of the PDP the participant will receive an acknowledgement e-mail from the EAAB in which details of the bank account into which the annual CPD payment (which remains unchanged at R2 500 for principal estate agents and R2 000 for non-principal estate agents) must be made are provided.

For ease of reference such details are as follows:

Account Name: Estate Agency Affairs Board

Bank: ABSA

Account Number: 405 203 3310

Branch Code: 632005

Reference: The seven digit personal identification number (PIN) allocated by the EAAB to each individual estate agent

When the correct payment is received by the EAAB and allocated to the participant concerned that person will receive access to the CPD diary for 2019 on the “MyCPD” portal. This enables the participant either to make an on-line reservation to attend desired contact CPD interventions and/or to enrol for CPD e-learning, in accordance with the preferences previously indicated on the completed PDP so as to acquire the necessary fifteen verifiable CPD points for 2019. It is hoped that the full CPD programme for 2019 will be uploaded to the “MyCPD” portal by no later than the end of January 2019.

As in the past CPD participants have the choice of attending contact CPD sessions or accessing the EAAB’s e-learning platform. They may also utilise a mixture of both of these methods to accrue the necessary fifteen verifiable CPD points for 2019. Participants are reminded that they must also accrue, and upload, five non-verifiable CPD points for 2019 making a total of twenty CPD points for the 2019 year.

It is essential that the correct seven digit PIN is used as the reference whenever a CPD payment is made. The use of an incorrect PIN not only makes it extremely difficult for the EAAB correctly to allocate the payment received but also necessarily results in lengthy delays in the processing of the payment. Participants who are uncertain of their correct seven-digit PIN must contact the EAAB call centre (087 285 3222) to ensure that they use the correct reference when making payment rather than using an incorrect reference.

CPD participants have until 31 March 2019 to register for participation in the 2019 CPD programme. By this time the PDPs of participants must have been duly completed and submitted to the EAAB and payment of the applicable CPD fee for 2019 made.

Additional reminders, and ongoing updates on the implementation of CPD for 2019, will be issued by the EAAB as from mid-January 2019.



Issued by:      The Estate Agency Affairs Board

Date:               21 December 2019

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