In PPRA Notifications
All Property Practitioners who deposit funds into the PPRA bank account are requested to use their seven (7) digit reference numbers or ID numbers (if not having a 7-digit reference number). This will assist PPRA to ensure deposited funds are allocated to the correct client accounts. Property Practitioners are discouraged to use any other reference numbers except seven (7) digit reference numbers or ID numbers (if not having a 7-digit reference number).
The PPRA’s correct banking details for deposits are as follows:
Absa Bank Account Names: Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority
Absa Bank Account Numbers: 405 2033310
Branch Code: 632005
Absa Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
Deposits relating to PPFF must be deposited into the following bank account:
Nedbank Bank Account Names: Property Practitioners Fidelity Fund
Nedbank Bank Account Numbers: 1933030216
Branch Code: 198750
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