In Industry News

To REBOSA Members

There is a Parliamentary workshop on the National Minimum Wage (NMW).

Workshop Date:  23rd August 2015

Time: 09h00 to 15h00

Venue:  Good Hope Chambers Parliament

Attached are the presentations by Cosatu /Labour and organised business. The National Minimum Wage (NMW) affects all sectors of economy.  This will dominate the NEDLAC work programme given the political priority attached to it and will happen most likely in 2017 in terms of actual implementation. 

Summary points:

  1. Cosatu thinking is that NMW should be pegged  at min R 6 k to R 7k for all workers. Their presentation is factual and logically motivated.
  2. Cosatu approach was the exemptions must be examined  at  company level  and where the financial records show challenges of profitability these could be granted on a temporary basis.
  3. South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) input focused on practical timing given the state of the economy, low growth levels and SMME’ s battling to maintain jobs. Hence a more flexible labour environment is needed.


SACCI Presentation on MinWage – 24 June 2015


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