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The 5 Elements of the new revised Codes and what they each intend to measure

Element Code Series Reference What each element measures
Ownership 100 Measures effective ownership of entities by Black people.
Management Control 200 Measures the effective control of entities by Black people.
Skills Development 300 Measures the extent to which employers carry out initiatives designed to develop the competencies of Black employees and Black people internally and externally.
Enterprise and Supplier Development 400 Measures the extent to which entities buy goods and services from Empowering Suppliers with strong B-BBEE recognition levels. This element also measures the extent to which enterprises carry out supplier development initiatives intended to assist and accelerate the growth and stability of black enterprises.
Socio-Economic Development 500 Measures the extent to which entities carry out initiatives  that contribute towards Socio-Economic Development or Sector Specific initiatives that promote access to the economy for Black people.

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