In PPRA Notifications

Sub-regulation 33.2.1 of the Property Practitioners Regulations, 2022 enjoins the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) to consult in good faith with the various representative bodies and establish the following:

Qualification standards for property practitioners;
Course materials that will enable persons who wish to qualify as property practitioners to be properly equipped as such and to qualify as property practitioners in accordance with the standards established by the Authority;
Professional designation examinations to be written by persons who wish to qualify as property practitioners; and
Standards for the practical training of non-principal property practitioners.

The PPRA hereby wishes to inform all property practitioners who are operating as estate agents that consultations which began last year in 2022 yielded some positive outcomes even though the process is not yet complete. In this regard, the following has been achieved:

The PPRA together with representative bodies in the real estate sector agreed that the applicable qualification standards for the sector will remain as NQF4 & NQF5 Real Estate qualifications.
The PPRA will revise the course material so that it is in line with the Property Practitioners Act, 22 of 2019 and other relevant pieces of legislation.

In light of the above, those who aspire to be property practitioners and those who are already in the sector but are non-compliant with the Education requirements, are encouraged to continue to attain the necessary NQF Real Estate qualifications.

Best regards,

The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority

09 February 2023

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