The Estate Agency Affairs Board is gratified at the positive response received from CPD participants on the first three-year CPD cycle (that is to say, estate agents, excluding intern estate agents, who had been issued with fidelity fund certificates for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 calendar years respectively) to ensure timeous compliance with any outstanding CPD obligations. This much-valued cooperation has, unfortunately, resulted in the IT system being overwhelmed. The EAAB tenders its sincere apologies to all participants who have experienced difficulty in accessing its IT system and advises that the capacity of the IT system has been expanded to meet the on-going demand.
In a further endeavour to assist affected CPD participants the proposed administrative penalty payable for CPD remediation done after 1 February 2018 has been waived. Affected participants, thus, have until 31 March 2018 within which to comply with any outstanding CPD requirements without incurring penalties. The extension previously granted to affected participants to comply with such outstanding CPD requirements, however, remains 31 March 2018.
Accessing the ‘catch-up’ e-learning
Affected participants still have the opportunity, by accessing the e-learning ‘catch-up’ CPD programme, to acquire any outstanding verifiable CPD points for the three years in question. The e-learning is accessed by participants through the “MyCPD” portal on the EAAB website.
After accessing the “MyCPD” portal participants must:
complete and submit the required Personal Development Plan (“PDP”) for each of the outstanding years; and
make payment of the required CPD fee (R2 500 for principal estate agents and R2 000 for non-principal estate agents) for each outstanding year.
after which they will receive internet access, depending on the content of the PDP submitted, to a video recording of relevant CPD presentations made during 2015 and/or 2016 and/or 2017, including the slide presentations utilised by the facilitators at those events. As the Integrated Real Estate Dialogues do not form part of the e-learning programme these events must not be chosen by participant in their PDPs for e-learning purposes.
E-learning participants, after viewing each CPD presentation, are required to answer ten randomly generated multiple-choice questions relating to that presentation. Participants who
correctly answer the multiple-choice questions are awarded five verifiable CPD points for that particular topic which are recorded on the “MyCPD” portal.
CPD participants are earnestly requested to complete the process of registration for each outstanding calendar year in sequence.
Thus, if verifiable CPD points are still outstanding for 2015, 2016 and 2017:
The participant first finalises the CPD registration process for 2015 by completing and submitting the required the PDP and making payment for the 2015 calendar year and, having done so, acquiring the necessary verifiable CPD points for the 2015 year.
Only after having done so does the participant register for the 2016 CPD year and, similarly, complete the registration process to obtain the required verifiable CPD points for 2016.
Only once the verifiable CPD points for 2016 have been obtained and recorded does the participant now register for the 2017 year and, again, complete the registration process to obtain verifiable CPD points for 2017.
Recording non-verifiable CPD points
CPD participants are reminded also to upload and record non-verifiable CPD points obtained for the three calendar years in question.
To do so participants must:
log on to the “MyCPD” portal of the EAAB website;
navigate to the “CPD points” menu;
ensure that the non-verifiable CPD points in question are uploaded for the correct calendar year (namely, for the 2015 or 2016 or 2017 calendar years respectively);
click on the “Capture Points” icon which will take participants to the correct page for the uploading of non-verifiable CPD points.
Grateful thanks to CPD participants who completed the first three-year CPD cycle before 31 December 2017
The EAAB wishes, finally, to express its sincere gratitude and grateful appreciation to the more than 12 000 CPD participants on the first three-year CPD cycle who successfully completed all CPD requirements, by accruing forty-five verifiable and fifteen non-verifiable CPD points, prior to 31 December 2017. The EAAB trusts that they benefitted from participation in the CPD programme and looks forward to presenting interesting and meaningful CPD topics in 2018.
Issued by: The Education and Training Department
Estate Agency Affairs Board
Date: 31 January 2018